Alder Creek Studio


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Studio Guidelines & Etiquette
Out of respect for Marion and the Studio, and to keep the class experience enjoyable for everyone, please follow the guidelines below. 
  1. Alder Creek Studio is located at 121 Casselholme Crescent in New Dundee, Ontario. There are very large numbers on the right side of the house. The studio door is down the walkway on the right side as well.
  2. There is parking for three cars on the driveway. Otherwise park directly in front of the house.
  3. Please knock before entering as this is also my home.
  4. Bring slippers or indoor shoes.
  5. Hang your coat in the closet and place other items not needed for painting under your table.
  6. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and bottled water are available – please help yourself.
  7. Be sure to bring a small bag for your garbage and take everything with you. If you are attending an acrylics workshop, remove the plastic from a (new) canvas and sign the back in graphite.
  8. Keep in mind this is a class. Do not expect to finish a “frame-worthy” piece.
  9. A colour wheel, sketchbook and pencil are a must.
  10. Working from a photo of another artist’s work is PLAGIARISM. Please bring printed photo resources that are your own photographs, (not on your iPad or phone).
  11. Keep your phone on vibrate/airplane mode.
  12. Please avoid wearing perfume/aftershave to class.


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©2025 Marion Anderson
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